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Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Engineer II

Researches and develops structural engineering specifications for aerospace products, parts, or associated operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Analyzes results of stress tests on various craft and missile parts to determine material durability and tolerances. Oversees flight tests of prototypes and analyzes resulting data to validate flight characteristics and identify necessary improvements. Conducts calculations and utilizes simulations to evaluate aerodynamics, structural integrity, propulsion efficiency, and the effect on fuel consumption of new or ex more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Engineer III

Researches and develops structural engineering specifications for aerospace products, parts, or associated operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Analyzes results of stress tests on various craft and missile parts to determine material durability and tolerances. Oversees flight tests of prototypes and analyzes resulting data to validate flight characteristics and identify necessary improvements. Conducts calculations and utilizes simulations to evaluate aerodynamics, structural integrity, propulsion efficiency, and the effect on fuel consumption of new or ex more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Engineer IV

Researches and develops structural engineering specifications for aerospace products, parts, or associated operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Analyzes results of stress tests on various craft and missile parts to determine material durability and tolerances. Oversees flight tests of prototypes and analyzes resulting data to validate flight characteristics and identify necessary improvements. Conducts calculations and utilizes simulations to evaluate aerodynamics, structural integrity, propulsion efficiency, and the effect on fuel consumption of new or ex more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Engineer V

Researches and develops structural engineering specifications for aerospace products, parts, or associated operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Analyzes results of stress tests on various craft and missile parts to determine material durability and tolerances. Oversees flight tests of prototypes and analyzes resulting data to validate flight characteristics and identify necessary improvements. Conducts calculations and utilizes simulations to evaluate aerodynamics, structural integrity, propulsion efficiency, and the effect on fuel consumption of new or ex more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Engineer VI

Researches and develops structural engineering specifications for aerospace products, parts, or associated operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Analyzes results of stress tests on various craft and missile parts to determine material durability and tolerances. Oversees flight tests of prototypes and analyzes resulting data to validate flight characteristics and identify necessary improvements. Conducts calculations and utilizes simulations to evaluate aerodynamics, structural integrity, propulsion efficiency, and the effect on fuel consumption of new or ex more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Engineer I | Entry Level Aerospace Engineer

Researches and develops structural engineering specifications for aerospace products, parts, or associated operations to improve the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Analyzes results of stress tests on various craft and missile parts to determine material durability and tolerances. Oversees flight tests of prototypes and analyzes resulting data to validate flight characteristics and identify necessary improvements. Conducts calculations and utilizes simulations to evaluate aerodynamics, structural integrity, propulsion efficiency, and the effect on fuel consumption of new or ex more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Maintenance Engineer I | Aerospace Support Engineer I

Conducts service, repair, and overall maintenance tasks for aerospace products or parts to ensure the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Routinely tests and inspects aerospace components and installs replacements, repairs, or modifications to facilitate optimal and safe functionality. Maintains accurate records of services and procedures performed on aerospace components and documents and reports issues, malfunctions, and unusual wear or damage of parts. Recommends inspection procedures and retirement thresholds to ensure safe and optimal operation. Follows guidelines and technic more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Maintenance Engineer II | Aerospace Support Engineer II

Conducts service, repair, and overall maintenance tasks for aerospace products or parts to ensure the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Routinely tests and inspects aerospace components and installs replacements, repairs, or modifications to facilitate optimal and safe functionality. Maintains accurate records of services and procedures performed on aerospace components and documents and reports issues, malfunctions, and unusual wear or damage of parts. Recommends inspection procedures and retirement thresholds to ensure safe and optimal operation. Follows guidelines and technic more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Maintenance Engineer III | Aerospace Support Engineer III

Conducts service, repair, and overall maintenance tasks for aerospace products or parts to ensure the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Routinely tests and inspects aerospace components and installs replacements, repairs, or modifications to facilitate optimal and safe functionality. Maintains accurate records of services and procedures performed on aerospace components and documents and reports issues, malfunctions, and unusual wear or damage of parts. Recommends inspection procedures and retirement thresholds to ensure safe and optimal operation. Follows guidelines and technic more...

Alternate job titles: Aerospace Aviation Maintenance Engineer IV | Aerospace Support Engineer IV

Conducts service, repair, and overall maintenance tasks for aerospace products or parts to ensure the efficiency and reliability of aerospace systems. Routinely tests and inspects aerospace components and installs replacements, repairs, or modifications to facilitate optimal and safe functionality. Maintains accurate records of services and procedures performed on aerospace components and documents and reports issues, malfunctions, and unusual wear or damage of parts. Recommends inspection procedures and retirement thresholds to ensure safe and optimal operation. Follows guidelines and technic more...

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